
State of Email: Certified Brilliance: How to Achieve 100% Inbox Placement

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Email marketing is seriously competitive! 1 in 6 marketing messages don’t make it to the inbox, meaning lost revenue every time this happens.

But there is an exclusive club that uses Validity’s Sender Certification program to close this gap, moving the deliverability needle close to 100%, and generating serious additional revenue.

On this webinar it was presented a hot-off-the-press analysis to explain why certification remains such an essential part of every sender’s deliverability strategy, and David Cross from fashion retailer River Island joined Validity Executive Guy Hanson to talk through the major performance benefits for his email program since becoming certified in April ‘23.

Watch the on-demand recording to learn about:

  • How Sender Certification works, and where it’s most effective
  • The full range of deliverability benefits it offers
  • Additional use cases beyond better deliverability
  • The additional program revenue it generates

We also had Validity’s Danielle Gallant reviewing the latest global email KPIs, and how they’ve been trending over the past month.