Armed with this data, Ding began to segment its users based on how engaged a customer was, this was taken from historical data within their internal DWH. This combined with macro deliverability metrics provided by Return Path, Ding could quickly understand what portions of their userbase would be advantageous to communicate and to ensure mail box providers saw high engagements and low complaints when looking at Ding’s IP and domain. This slowly raised the base level of email deliverability and thus allowed Ding to communicate offers and information to its users.
The data generated by the Return Path Platform allowed Ding to easily differentiate its delivered messages and provide the company with a comprehensive look into what percentage of its mail was going to the inbox, the spam folder, or was being blocked at major mailbox providers around the world. The platform utilizes Return Path Consumer Network data, which consists of 2.5 million email users, to show placement from real subscriber data.
With Return Path’s inbox monitoring solution, Ding was able to gain more visibility into its deliverability at mailbox providers across the globe, including Gmail.
The company chose Return Path’s inbox monitoring solution which generated data that enabled Ding to significantly increase its open and click rates, and reduce it’s Gmail spam rate to almost zero.
Ding selected the Return Path Platform to improve the company’s reputation with mailbox providers and provide visibility into email performance.
Utilizing this information, Ding began to segment customers based on mail box provider and targeted highly engaged customers when inbox placement was dipping for a specific mail box. When inbox placement was high, Ding opened the restrictions on their segmentation to allow more customers fall into the top end of their email funnel. Through iterative testing, Ding found the optimal restrictions and frequency for a user’s email lifecycle.