Every January, we ask ourselves the same question: “Is this the year email’s going to die?”
Fortunately, the resounding answer going into 2022 is: “Not any time soon!”
Both marketers and consumers continue to prefer email as their main method of communication. However, many of the factors that make email so effective are the same factors that make it so challenging. The ongoing quest for greater relevance, stronger engagement, and enhanced ROI means the channel is innovating at a ferocious pace. It’s hard to keep up with what’s happening today, never mind what’s coming down the line tomorrow!
That’s why we pulled together our global team of email experts for our annual predictions webinar. Validity’s Laura Christensen, Rafael Viana, Danielle Gallant, Sophie Jean, Sandra Schubert, Aaron Oppliger, and Megan Farquharson gaze into their crystal balls, draw on their expertise, and predict the “next big thing” in the world of email.
You will learn:
Hosted and moderated by Guy Hanson, this webinar also features the latest email and data trends.