
How King Unlocked a Treasure Chest of Email Value

Validity teamed up with interactive entertainment hero, King, looking back at their epic email journey and into their next quest. King’s story explains how confidence was gained using their email channel, adopting best practices, and expanding their global email programs to unlock a treasure chest of previously untapped value.

Martí Díaz Lorente, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Specialist at King, joined Giuseppe Capuano, his Senior Customer Success Manager at Validity, as they reviewed the evolution of King’s email strategy, why it’s been so successful, and what’s next on their roadmap.

What you’ll learn:

  • The value of King’s unstoppable performance uplift
  • The importance of getting the email basics right.
  • Why user-centricity has been such an important element of a pandemic strategy.
  • And more!

Known for best games to play in your browser, as well as awesome game apps, King is crushing email deliverability!